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Charging Ahead: Dartmoor National Park announces new Electric Vehicle chargers to help drive more sustainable journeys

Dartmoor National Park, is leading the charge in more sustainable tourism with five new electric vehicle (EV) charging points going live, funded by BMW UK through its Recharge in Nature partnership with National Parks UK. The new chargers can each charge two cars simultaneously meaning that EV drivers can travel with more confidence to enjoy the beauty of Dartmoor.

The five new twin chargers have been installed in three key locations, to increase the availability of public EV charging options for local communities and visitors alike. The chargers are in:

– Postbridge Visitor Centre Car Park
– Princetown Visitor Centre Car Park
– Meldon Reservoir Car Park

The installation of these chargers is also a significant step towards the goal of increasing the EV charging infrastructure in the UK National Parks through the Recharge in Nature partnership. To date, 33 chargers have been installed in National Parks across the UK, with chargers in all 15 of the National Parks set to be installed before the end of the three-year partnership.

In total, the UK’s National Parks are visited over 100 million times each year [1] – with 93 per cent of these visits being made by car [2]. Enhancing the EV recharging network is vital to enabling better access for the lowest emitting and quietest vehicles.

In Dartmoor National Park, additional funding from BMW UK is supporting its youth in nature environmental engagement programme to nurture young people’s appreciation of nature. By providing them with access to the great outdoors, these sessions aim to inspire the conservationists and outdoor enthusiasts of the future. Through a diverse range of activities, such as overnight camping trips, and footpath restoration projects, young people are discovering the wonders of the natural world and the positive impacts it can have on their mental health and wellbeing. Since the funding began in 2022, the project has brought a taste of the great outdoors to 568 young people, many of whom might otherwise not have opportunities to visit the Park.

Andrew Watson, Head of Recreation, Access and Estates, commented: “Dartmoor National Park is home to 36,000 people, alongside the millions of visitors that come to enjoy the Park every year. Working with National Parks Partnerships, BMW and PodPoint to install these new electric charging points is about ensuring we can provide choice and encourage lower emission travel options. We’re delighted to have these new chargers so that we can enable visitors to charge their vehicles whist taking time to visit our National Park Visitor Centres, or explore the local area to experience all that Dartmoor National Park has to offer.”

Graham Biggs, Corporate Communications Director, BMW UK, said: “We’re delighted that these new EV chargers have been installed in Dartmoor. It means visitors can now take their electric cars to the park with greater confidence, helping to reduce emissions and noise pollution in this beautiful landscape. It also increases the EV charging capacity of the area for those living or working in the park.

“In addition, it is a privilege to be supporting Dartmoor’s community-based programmes for young people, which aim to spark a love of nature amongst those who would otherwise have little opportunity to enjoy it.”

Savannah Brownlow, Community Engagement Ranger, observed: “The interest and uptake of the engagement project with schools and community groups has been fantastic, highlighting the desire from leaders in our communities to connect with Dartmoor and nature. Young people are keener to be involved in nature conservation than we realise and the difference this can make to their wider outlook is vast and something I’m proud to be able to support.”

The BMW Group has set clear CO2 reduction targets across the lifecycle of every vehicle and is constantly seeking new ways to cut emissions. By 2030, the CO2 emissions per vehicle will be at least halved from 2019 levels. BMW Group was one of the first automotive brands to join the Business Ambition for 1.5°C as part of the Paris Climate Agreement – the most robust commitment to the goal of full climate neutrality, over the entire value-added chain, by 2050 at the latest. By doing so, the company is also part of the Race to Zero.

For more information about BMW Group UK and the Recharge in Nature partnership visit  

STEAM tourism data, 2019
2 Aggregated National Parks data, 2018

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